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Marijuana Addiction Detrimental Side Effects On The Brain

Marijuana addiction in the United States is so rampant that statistics have shown that 1 in 3 people have abused the drug at one point in their lives. The drug is accessible almost to any state and it can be used in a variety of ways, including preparations where it is mixed with brownies, lollipops and cookies.

Smoking or eating pot can affect the immune and nervous systems. Simply by smoking marijuana, the active ingredient THC is swiftly absorbed into the bloodstream. This increases the heart rate for the next three hours after using drugs.

Some people suffer a heart attack immediately after marijuana use. The drug is powerful to interfere with blood sugar and blood pressure. Marijuana addiction also increases the incidence of bleeding.

How does marijuana affect the brain?

Marijuana, also known as pot, grass, Mary Jane, dope, weed and widow contains main ingredient, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). When smoking, THC is immediately absorbed into the lungs, bloodstream and into the brain.

In the brain, Cannabis has at least 60 types of cannabinoids that interferes with cannabinoid receptors, causing euphoric "high" feeling. These receptors are responsible for the functions that cause memory, thoughts, pleasure, concentration, coordinated movement, and sensory and time perception.

THC resembles the naturally occurring cannabinoids in the brain called anandamide. It controls the person's appetite, sleep, mood, memory and sleep.

Cannabinoids keep the brain neurons active by clearing the thoughts and perceptions and keep the person focused. When an addict is high, driving or anything that requires concentration is not good to do as the mind is not in the right state.

Marijuana addiction can also affect the level of dopamine in the brain, which main function is to deliver euphoria and relaxation. The extent of addiction can also hinder one's ability to create new memories.

The side effects of the drug vary depending on the amount used and the concentration of the drug. Usual marijuana has 2 to 5 percent THC. Ganja has 15 percent, while hashish oil contains 15 to 60 percent THC.

If users are not careful, marijuana addiction can cause them to have hallucinations for a couple of hours. As far as side effects are concerned, the drug's side effects may depend on the capacity of the individual.

There are users who claim that using joint brings them positive effects. Others who are depressed can have bigger and more serious effects. It may also worsen their depression.

No scientific studies have proven that marijuana addiction can impair memory and concentration. If there is some effect, it does not last as it will likely go back to normal after the effect of drugs subside.

Marijuana can be addictive, but not that addictive as tobacco, cocaine and alcohol. However, dependency increases if the user smokes it everyday, The chances of developing addiction increases when the user starts using marijuana during their teens.

Based on National Institute on Drug Abuse statistics, marijuana addiction is nearly 17 percent higher for those who began using it during teens. Regular pot users are 25 to 50 percent more likely to develop addiction.Marijuana addiction in the United States is so rampant that statistics have shown that 1 in 3 people have abused the drug at one point in their lives. The drug is accessible almost to any state and it can be used in a variety of ways, including preparations where it is mixed with brownies, lollipops and cookies.

Smoking or eating pot can affect the immune and nervous systems. Simply by smoking marijuana, the active ingredient THC is swiftly absorbed into the bloodstream. This increases the heart rate for the next three hours after using drugs.

Some people suffer a heart attack immediately after marijuana use. The drug is powerful to interfere with blood sugar and blood pressure. Marijuana addiction also increases the incidence of bleeding.

How does marijuana affect the brain?

Marijuana, also known as pot, grass, Mary Jane, dope, weed and widow contains main ingredient, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). When smoking, THC is immediately absorbed into the lungs, bloodstream and into the brain.

In the brain, Cannabis has at least 60 types of cannabinoids that interferes with cannabinoid receptors, causing euphoric "high" feeling. These receptors are responsible for the functions that cause memory, thoughts, pleasure, concentration, coordinated movement, and sensory and time perception.

THC resembles the naturally occurring cannabinoids in the brain called anandamide. It controls the person's appetite, sleep, mood, memory and sleep.

Cannabinoids keep the brain neurons active by clearing the thoughts and perceptions and keep the person focused. When an addict is high, driving or anything that requires concentration is not good to do as the mind is not in the right state.

Marijuana addiction can also affect the level of dopamine in the brain, which main function is to deliver euphoria and relaxation. The extent of addiction can also hinder one's ability to create new memories.

The side effects of the drug vary depending on the amount used and the concentration of the drug. Usual marijuana has 2 to 5 percent THC. Ganja has 15 percent, while hashish oil contains 15 to 60 percent THC.

If users are not careful, marijuana addiction can cause them to have hallucinations for a couple of hours. As far as side effects are concerned, the drug's side effects may depend on the capacity of the individual.

There are users who claim that using joint brings them positive effects. Others who are depressed can have bigger and more serious effects. It may also worsen their depression.

No scientific studies have proven that marijuana addiction can impair memory and concentration. If there is some effect, it does not last as it will likely go back to normal after the effect of drugs subside.

Marijuana can be addictive, but not that addictive as tobacco, cocaine and alcohol. However, dependency increases if the user smokes it everyday, The chances of developing addiction increases when the user starts using marijuana during their teens.

Based on National Institute on Drug Abuse statistics, marijuana addiction is nearly 17 percent higher for those who began using it during teens. Regular pot users are 25 to 50 percent more likely to develop addiction. 



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